Baptism by fire – really!

Met with Jim today to ask all sorts of questions.

He is very excited to be a mentor, and to guide me through the IDPA ropes.  So much so that he thinks I can shoot a match next Saturday.  Gulp!

So here I go – I’m sure it won’t be pretty, but it won’t be unlike other things I’ve done in the past.  My first time driving – Dad said drive to the freeway before I’d work Saturdays at the plant loading trucks, at 15.  I thought wow, drive to the freeway!  Cool.  Then I get to the freeway and Dad said, now drive to the plant – that was in downtown L.A.  I did it and was scared to death, but I did it.

On the 28th, I’ll be scared to death, but I’m sure I’ll have that grin I had when I was 15 driving for the first time.  I’ll be thrown into the deep end, but up until now, I’ve always done OK.  I’ll even be using Jim’s competition .45 – yep!

BOOM!  Pun intended!  😉

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